"Tolkien casts a delicates spell: it's not difficult to imagine some viewers proving utterly impervious to its peculiar magic. But some other will be enchanted and even transported by its charms."----烂番茄上看到的最中肯的评价,我自然是属于后者。
4th May 2019 @ Curzon Oxford 大半儿时间在哭,使劲儿故意戳了好些泪点。主线是符合历史,好些情节都是往抓马方向改编了的。传记学者们又有新话题了。Professor Wright was wearing a Bachelor gown..? And 4th August there were students in the college? August is not Oxford term time.. ACSB
三星给大小托尔金和伊迪丝,颜值无话可说。然而。我尼克演20岁左右时的托尔金有点力不从心,直到战后部分才舒服了 ,跟Geoffrey母亲那场戏有了托老的儒雅沉稳。相比之下伊迪丝更接近于我心中的想象。少年托尔金则光芒万丈。少年组TCBS大好。剧情方面,戏剧化处理当然是可以的,但托尔金在战场上看到火龙戒灵索大眼什么的,有点强行相关。难怪托氏家族不认可这个电影。另外,他们在他去法国打仗之前就结婚了。演Christopher的是敦刻尔克里的少船东Peter. William Morris墙纸含蓄/张扬出场。
2019-05-10 13:57:52