所有的完美硬汉都会被情所拖累。父子戏中扮兄弟 爱上一个女人。米彻姆的阳刚的性感吸引着他的弟弟 弟弟误认为非法运私酒便是男人的象征。最妙的一句台词 看到结尾笑了 "Roxy why don't you just find yourself somebody that'll be..." 姑娘答曰“I would. If they looked like u”.
i bet only those who went through that period can fall in love with this film, with sentimental music, this film is dedicated to the last generation, Robert Mitchum showed the same expression in film noir but had softer voice, personally don't regard it as film noir anyhow
2011-04-03 02:28:30