「I believe that God, whomever you hold that to be, hears all prayers, even if sometimes the answer is no. So may the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. May the Lord lift up his divine countenance upon you and give you peace.」
全片特效不多,但水準不錯,全為輔助情感,情感刻畫不錯,不過沒有逃生的緊張刺激劇情。 電影中最偉大最寶貴的流星雨 卻是全船宇航員自殺式爆炸拯救地球換來的 被總統最後的說話感動 Cities fall,but they are rebuilt.And heroes die,but they are remembered.We honor them with every brick we lay,with every field we sow,with every child we comfort,and then teach them to rejoice in what we have been regiven.Our planet.Our home.So now,let us begin.
2011-02-27 15:41:42