意外地从飞屋那得来资源,可以一睹为快了,刷了至少三遍,真的不负盛名,值得一看。影帝在这里仍然nice,估计大部分是他的本色,快满百岁的老人,善良、宽容和温和的个性一定有很大影响。与酒鬼爷爷和妈妈生活在一起,盲女被指使洗衣、做饭、收拾屋子,还要串珠子赚钱,从未被人疼惜过,很久都没到外面去过,偶尔被串珠子的主顾带到公园走一走,就是最大的福利了。遇到温和热心的男主,教会她好多新东西,认知了东南西北、能在公园上厕所、会用电话,还能逛超市买东西,从来都是细心地引导和帮助,从不责备她,扑上去挡住下落的橙子时,满眼的真诚与和善...这一切为盲女打开了全新的世界,light in the dark world,突然觉得 a patch of blue应该是“一片蓝天”,遇上他使盲女得以重生,如是“再生缘”!
The black-and-white film is titled A Patch of Blue. Even more ironic is that the heroin Selina is blind, the hero coloured. But she falls for him just for his kindness. A park could be her paradise, a music box a fountain of her felicity, and a black man her window on the colourful world.
2021-06-13 23:57:51