King Vidor Retrospective重看。Kevin Brownlow主持修复的35mm版(原始素材实在损毁太严重photochemical已经做不到更好了,希望以后能数字修一下)。Live music Maud Nelissen. 几乎打破好莱坞所有陈规的杰作,Vidor所有作品中对人类境况的关注到这里登峰造极。这次尤其注意到他构图的天才,对建筑空间的意识非常敏锐。
A helpless, and childish little man with a big dream, who is always a member of majority, either in or out of work, his tragicomedic struggle is played out theatrically, but you can see the bone of LIFE belonging to every human being.
2019-09-01 02:12:42