SXSW 性感无比的自然主义,一个好故事和好处理,也让其同时成为了史上最好的品牌 campaign (褒义)这种商业美,比 Fire of Love的层次更复杂,更少人能在那个层面去挑战一个战后国家的国土归属,就为了自然,野生豹,为了爱人的夙愿。蜡笔处理死亡片段好评,妻子葬礼发言身体丢魂的趔趄全身鸡皮疙瘩。
Doug’s crush on Kris seems odd to me. Also though I’m aware it’s not supposed to be a tutorial about how to run a unique business like Patagonia or how to establish national parks in Chile/Argentina, I was still left too confused about these logistics, which I believe are not too unrelated to the theme? “I prefer 1 hour tour of Patagonia”
2023-06-17 17:44:21