Jimmy Chin的父母在文革的时候逃难到美国,作为第二代移民居然没受到父母影响和华人社区的影响成为了professional climber, mountaineer, skier, director and photographer. 在这些行业里很少看到亚裔面孔,第一次看他的纪录片我还当是印第安人。我很好奇他是怎么克服这些阻力做自己真正想做的事。
Meru is a peak in India, not the highest, but one of the hardest to climb. Three top climbers, an old famous one, a middle-aged cameraman, and a young fearless, took this impossible mission to claim Meru. I watched this one in tears and cheers. What about you?
2015-12-09 11:42:11